Sunday, December 13, 2015

Bad Trailers and Previews

         A few weeks ago, the mid-season finale of season six of The Walking Dead came out. Now, if you watch The Walking Dead, then you most likely are aware of how intense their mid-season finales are. Either it is a cliffhanger or sudden surprising scene, and then you are left to wait till February to see what happens next. I personally love these cliffhangers and shocking scenes at the end, as it gives me something to look forward to in the next few months. however there is one thing about the mid-season finales that I dislike a lot.
         When the mid-season finale ends, there is always a trailer that follows it, and this trailer is something I also look forward to. The reason for why I like these trailers is that I know what will be on the next five or six episodes of the other half of the season. However, these trailers tend to give us false ideas about what will happen in the next season. This can be good, as it puts us in suspense for the next few months. I particularly don't like this because of how misleading some of the scenes in the trailer are. Usually what happens is that the trailer will show someone in grave danger, or the group about to be trapped, etc. Or a trailer can sometimes show too much of what will happen in the movie. For example, in the Superman v Batman trailer, everyone thought that it would be some huge fight between Superman and Batman. We see them constantly battling each other, and Batman struggling to compete against Superman. However there is another villain in the midst, Lex Luthor, who makes another villain, Doomsday. Doomsday in the comics is the villain that kills Superman. The reason why this character should not have been shown in the previews, is that it completely contradicts with the title, Superman v Batman.
          All in all, movie and TV trailers should make better efforts to not give away big scenes, and not mislead viewers from their trailers. It is fine if the producers want to give us something to think about for the next six months however, as a viewer, I would not want to be thinking about something that doesn't even end up happening. If you show that the character will get killed off from a show in the trailer, then kill of the character!

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