Sunday, December 6, 2015

Is Gooder Grammar Needed?


          Have you ever had one of those real annoying friends who corrected you on every single grammatical error you made? I personally was one of those people who corrected the "you'res" and "yours" while texting my friends, only to get the "-_-" emoji after every time I corrected them. At first I had no idea what I was doing wrong, until I realized how annoying it actually was to be corrected on almost every sentence I said. Orwell said that "correct grammar and syntax...are of no importance so long as one makes one's meaning clear." I agree and disagree on this statement. I believe that correct grammar is necessary while speaking and in essays or articles, whereas in something casual, such as texting or just having a normal conversation with a friend, one should not have to be as correct in their grammar. A meaning can be made clear without proper grammar, but the meaning would be clearer if correct grammar and syntax is used. 

           If you're writing an essay or a persuasive paper, of course a teacher will always have a slight understanding of what you are trying to say, however correct grammar and syntax is still necessary in order to completely sell your paper. However, to a certain extent correcting grammar in papers can be quite irritating. For example, in many of my papers I get corrected on commas. Either I overuse commas, or I don't use them enough. Now I understand that commas are necessary in certain situations, especially to make a certain message clear. But when I see comma corrections on every single sentence, I get extremely frustrated and confused on what mistake I made and why. If someone can write a paper without any comma errors, in one draft, props to them. 

  One of the texts I got from one of my friends recently went like this "Omw home u still on?" To begin with, I do not like the use of acronyms and abbreviations, but in this question the grammatical error is that my friend is missing the word "are" thus making the sentence "Omw home are u still on?" However, I don't think that proper grammar is necessary in this context, and I understood the message without the proper grammar. Another example of when proper grammar isn't necessary is when someone asks, "How did you do on the test?" and the most common response is "I did good." whereas it should be "I did well." However, the message was clear, and there is no need for a correction, since the message was understood. Overall, correct grammar is necessary in formal context, but in casual context, it is not.

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